There are many places in the world where it's not safe to speak your mind on the internet
Many people resent being spied on and having their privacy intruded on
The internet is full of information and identity thieves
Why should anyone be allowed to monitor your movements online as if you were a criminalOf course there are bad people on the internet using one of the greatest innovations of our time for criminal activities. Just as they use other forms of communication like telephones, faxes and the mail! The irony is the evil doers always protect their connections so you inevitably end up with governments, agencies and hackers all spying on the innocent majority.This is what so annoys me about the 'if you've got nothing to hide' argument, the majority who do are hidden. The rest of us are subject to surveillance, spying and intrusion by even the most democratic western governments. The European Directive instructs ISPS to log all the web sites, emails and electronic communications of it's citizens for up to 2 years. It is therefore good to remind people that using a basic anonymous proxy or some hide ip software is not going to help. This stuff does very little, HTTP the transport protocol used on the internet is a plain text protocol and that's how the majority of your web browsing happens. The IP software protects your privacy from the web server you visit but that's it. Everything else is in the clear and traceable back to your IP address, the ISP can produce a complete list of every web page you have ever visited over the last year if it wants.Of course if they look at my web records they will see nothing, no trace, no list and every single piece of data in their logs will be encrypted using the same algorithm that the US Army use to protect their secrets in Iraq and Afghanistan.The cloaking software does much, much more than hide my IP address, it truly protects both my identity and my privacy
where is the program or what is his name of this software
Here i knew the new sharing about the Hide ip-address information..Before hide your ip-address you can check the ip-address in the site after hide your ip-address whether it was hide or not you can check out it that site you know the software working or not..
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